Steven Papendorf '20

主要: 信息技术
小: 管理与领导


Information technology has always been a passion, aptitude 和 interest of mine. I enjoy learning about 和 working with the professional, innovative 和 creative applications of technology in various environments. 宽, versatility 和 applicability of information technology allow it to be the perfect combination of science 和 art. While IT is largely methodical 和 diagnostic in nature, creativity 和 artistry certainly have a place in IT as well.


目前, working in either technological innovation, research 和 development or independently as a consultant is my ultimate career goal. 创新,R&D 和 consulting generally allow for a variable range of project-based work that permits 和 promotes the use of various skills 和 continual learning.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?  

In a time when a large amount of knowledge can be self-taught 和 gathered from various Internet sources, I find that there is truly no substitute for a traditional 和 personal Carroll education. Because many of the program faculty come from various occupations 和 experiences in the IT industry, classes 和 lectures often go far beyond theory 和 effectively teach the best practices for real-world scenarios. Since a considerable amount of IT knowledge is gained from experience, the ability to personally learn from the experiences of knowledgeable industry professionals is an advantage that is difficult to achieve from other learning sources.

Have you had opportunities to work closely with Carroll faculty?

Small class sizes make opportunities to develop relationships 和 work closely with faculty to be truly endless. In all of the programs I've been a part of, 从它, 对摄影, 航空科学, I have had the distinct privilege to learn from, become close with 和 work closely with most of the faculty members I have come to know. 在大多数情况下, these relationships resulted in individual instruction 和 assistance with personal projects. These opportunities 和 relationships not only define the Carroll community 和 Pioneer experience, but build a Carroll education to be something truly unique.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

When I think of college or university, I don’t initially associate field trips with lectures or common class activities. However, that’s beginning to change. 到目前为止, I have taken three classes in which I've gone on more off-campus excursions than I went on in all of primary 和 high school combined. While some outings were only to Walmart, others were to air traffic control towers 和 some of the most advanced photo studios in the area.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

Even with a major in information technology 和 a minor in management 和 leadership, I find I have more than enough time to pursue other interests in 摄影航空科学. Though I don't have time to major or minor in everything that I’m interested in, the ability to take classes outside of your core major 和 within areas of interest helps achieve a more balanced education 和 broader experience.

What would you say to someone considering information technology?

I find that no other university offers a cultivated IT degree like Carroll. The program allows its students to simultaneously pursue other academic interests, is taught by exceptional faculty 和 establishes a sense community.

How has financial aid made a difference in your life?

The majority of my Carroll education is paid for by Carroll scholarships 和 grants. Financial aid provided by Carroll 和 Carroll Donors helps make a Pioneer education 和 experience obtainable 和 affordable. It is safe to say that Carroll financial aid has made all the difference in my academic life by eliminating fiscal stress, allowing me to focus on my education.

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

Out of all the places on campus, 道格和南希·哈斯德·霍尔Michael 和 Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories are among my most favorite places to study. New to 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, these areas are modern, functional 和 well equipped for students.

Learn more about the 信息技术 program

