Victoria Kowalewski

Clinical Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Get Contact Info


Physical Therapy (DPT)


  • University of North Texas Health Science Center, 生物医学博士,主修康复科学
  • 北德克萨斯大学健康科学中心物理治疗博士(DPT)
  • Washington & Jefferson College, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Biology

Areas of Specialization


Scholarly and Professional Achievements

  • Nordon-Craft A, Schwarz B, Kowalewski V, Hartos J, Jurado Severance J, Bugnariu N., (2017)服务学习提高物理治疗学生检测老年人跌倒风险的能力. J Allied Health, 2017 Fall; 46 (3):e51-e58. PMID 28889172
  • Kowalewski V, Patterson R, Hartos J, Bugnariu N; Hearing loss contributes to balance difficulties in both younger and older adults, Journal of Preventative Medicine, Apr 9 2018; 3(2). pii: 12. PMID 29951645


  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; Contribution of Auditory Inputs in Young and Older Adults, 在国际运动神经控制大会上发表的经同行评审的海报, May 2018
  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; The Effect of Hearing Loss on Balance Control, Can You Hear Me! 公众听证会健康博览会-沃斯堡,2018年4月
  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; The Effect of Hearing Loss on Balance, 美国听力损失协会(HLAA)沃斯堡分会的社区服务报告, March 2018
  • Hebron A, Schwarz B, Kowalewski V, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; Retraining Sensory Weighting Using Virtual Environment and Vibrotactile Biofeedback, 在美国物理治疗协会联合分会会议上的同行评议海报展示, February 2018
  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; The Effect of Hearing Loss on Balance, 在老年人预防跌倒博览会上做社区服务演讲, November 2017
  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; Contribution of Auditory Inputs in Young and Older Adults, 世界物理治疗联合会世界大会上经同行评审的海报展示, July 2017
  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson, R, Bugnariu, N; Improving Postural Control in Older Adults with Hearing Loss – Do Hearing Aids Make a Difference?, 在世界物理治疗联合会世界大会上的同行评议口头报告, July, 2017
  • Kowalewski V, Nordon-Craft A, Schwarz B, Bonin K, Bugnariu N; A Matter of Balance Service-Learning Activities Positively Impact Both Physical Therapy Students and Seniors Confidence. 世界物理治疗联合会世界大会上经同行评审的海报展示, July 2017
  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; Auditory inputs contribute to balance control in healthy young and older adults – a simulated hearing loss experiment, 在国际步态和姿势协会世界大会上的同行评议海报展示, June 2017
  • Fox, J, Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R, Bugnariu N; The Impact of Hearing Loss on Older Adult's Postural Control and Gait Function, 在美国物理治疗协会联合分会会议(APTA CSM)上的同行评议海报展示, Feb 2017
  • Kowalewski V, Thibodeau L, Patterson R,  Bugnariu N; The Effect of Hearing Loss on Postural Control and Gait in Older Adults, 在美国物理治疗协会联合分会会议(APTA CSM)上的同行评议海报展示, Feb 2016
  • Kowalewski V, Bugnariu N; The Effects of Hearing Loss on Balance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review, 在美国物理治疗协会联合分会会议(APTA CSM)上发表的同行评议海报, Feb 2015

Grant Activity

  • 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)老年神经生物学博士点(T32 AG020494)
  • Institute for Healthy Aging Seed Grant, 评估一种更灵敏的方法来预测动态姿势稳定性和跌倒风险的变化

Service to Carroll University and Profession

  • 监督物理治疗师在公益治疗能力诊所(TAC)为个人复杂的神经系统疾病

Professional Service

  • 美国物理治疗协会(APTA)会员
  • 国际姿势与步态研究学会(ISPGR)成员
  • 美国听力损失协会(HLAA)的演讲嘉宾和倡导者

Honors and Awards

  • 结构解剖学与康复科学优秀研究生,2018
  • 神经物理治疗平衡学会科学功勋一等奖 & Falls SIG, 2018
  • 2017年UNTHSC物理治疗系学生海报一等奖
  • 2nd Place Overall Student Poster, 德州大学骨科医学研究感谢日, UNTHSC, 2016
  • 2015年物理治疗科开拓者奖

What is your teaching style?

我的教学风格旨在创造一个充满活力的课堂,培养批判性思维,提高物理治疗学生的整体临床决策能力. 我希望我在课堂上“亲力亲为”的教学方式能让学生们获得既有意义又愉快的教育体验. 我也热衷于让学生参与体验式服务学习,这对学生和社区成员都有积极的影响.

Why do you do what you do?

我喜欢通过与学生一起工作,对物理治疗专业产生更广泛的影响,并为推动物理治疗专业的研究做出贡献. Throughout my graduate and professional career, 我对无数的导师产生了深深的感激,他们激励我成为最好的临床医生, researcher, and person I can be every day. I could not be where I am today without them. 我希望推动物理治疗领域的发展,改善无数人的生活质量, 我希望激励我的学生成为杰出的临床医生,让世界变得更美好.

How do you make learning engaging?

我试图通过创建案例场景来使学习更具吸引力, classroom discussions, 以及促进主动学习的实验室活动. When I design these learning activities, 我经常从我自己的临床经验中汲取灵感,创造现实生活中的例子,并通过这些例子与我的学生一起工作.

What should students know about you?

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